Mom’s Hack For Applying Sunscreen On A Toddler

We know that wearing sunscreen is important, but if you’ve ever tried putting it on a toddler, you know what a challenge it can be. Getting them to hold still while you slather their little body with sunscreen requires endless patience and sometimes chasing them down, which is why one mom’s hack is such a game-changer. Reddit user perplexing123 shared her strategy shared her strategy for applying sunscreen to a wriggly tot and parents think it’s brilliant.

This mom’s solution to the sunscreen squirm is to strap the toddler into something, like a carseat or a stroller, to keep them still long enough to coat ‘em with sunscreen. With them secured in place, you can apply to face, arms, and legs with ease and then reach the harder to get spots, like their back, when they’re out.

Other parents on Reddit were inspired by this smart hack and chimed in with their go-to method for applying sunscreen to toddlers. Here’s what works for them:

Use a beauty blender, one of those foam makeup sponges, to get the sunscreen on quickly and evenly.

Let the kid put sunscreen on you while you’re applying it to you

Decorate their face and body by drawing shapes and animals with the sunscreen before you rub it in.

Source: PopSugar

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