Carrie Underwood admits that it wasn’t easy for her body to “bounce back” after having her second son Jacob, and says she felt a lot of pressure to get back in shape quickly.
“After having my first kid [Isaiah, 4], I felt like I bounced back fast. And then with Jake, it was like my body took a minute to get back to me,” she tells “People.” “It was frustrating, because I’m like, ‘Why wasn’t it like the first time?’ ”
She added, “But I’m four years older. That also helped me shift my mindset,” noting, “I’m still working hard, wanting to be the best me possible, but cutting myself slack and just thinking, ‘Be kind to yourself.’ It’s amazing what we [women] do to ourselves. We’re probably all our toughest critics.”
- When it comes to eating right, Carrie says she hates when people use the words “cheat days,” noting, “you’re just enjoying life.” She says, “I feel like holiday time can be stressful when it comes to health and fitness, but it doesn’t have to be. You can just say, ‘I’m going to enjoy myself on the holidays.’ “
Then, after the New Year has begun, she adds, “It’s like, ‘Okay, I’ve had my holiday fun. Now it’s time to get back on my path.’ “