JB In The Morning

JB In The Morning

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LIST- Bad Grocery Shopping Habits We Need To Break

Grocery shopping is one of those things we all do, but some of us are better at it than others. It’s so easy to overspend and still come home from the supermarket without all the food you really needed, but not if you break these bad grocery shopping habits.

Not taking inventory before you shop - Know what you already have in the fridge, freezer and pantry so you don’t end up with six jars of salsa.

Bringing people who add stuff to your cart - Whether it’s your roommate or your five-year-old, don’t take anyone grocery shopping with you if they tend to add items to your cart that aren’t on your list. In other words, you’re better off shopping solo.

Not bringing your own grocery bags - Challenge yourself to only buy what fits into the bags you brought, so it’s a game to keep you from over-shopping. And if your store charges for bags, always make sure to bring your own so you save a few cents.

Not shopping the perimeter first - Produce, dairy, and meat are all on the outside edges of the store, so start there for the healthier stuff you need and by the time you get to the middle of the store, you’re less likely to splurge on more expensive, lower-nutrition items.S

hopping with just a cart or a basket - Use a basket to keep you from buying more than you need and stick that basket in a shopping cart so it’s not too heavy to carry. Mind. Blown.

Source: The Kitchn

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