JB In The Morning

JB In The Morning

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Great Gifts & Gadgets W/ JB In The Morning: This Week Rockwell Dog Shampoo

If you listen to the show you hear me talk about our pooches on a regular basis. Walter Payton ( Go Bears ) and Miya Moo. Are they spoiled? Yes! Do we love to take care of them? Yes! Bath/shower time was important to us cause nobody wants the stinky fur kid. We wanted dog shampoo that would be both good for their coat and their skin.

Payton & Miya

It can be warm and dry and protecting your dogs skin should be as important as protecting yours. Rockwell Pets Pro Dog Shampoo is all natural and can help do just that! They have a great line of products for your Dog.

Photo: Rockwell Pets Pro

If you love to have the happy puppy you will love these products, and so will they!

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